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Safety Tips To live Independent at Home By Aged Care Providers


With growing age, most of the older adults in Australia are willing to live independently at home. That’s why OSAN Ability Assist, one of the industry-leading Aged Care Providers in Sydney shares some useful tips that can be made to help older adults to stay independent and safe at their home.

Tips to Stay Independent & Safe at Home

  • The first step towards safeguarding the older adults in their home should be diminishing potential causes of trip hazards around the home. The list may include levelling uneven surfaces, cluttering of objects, repairing poor lighting, and keeping regularly used items such as cell phones within easy reach. All these can help reduce the chances of falls, which can be very unsettling and concerning for older people and their loved ones.
  • Another prime reason for elders for tripping over is wearing misfitting shoes. Do make sure the elderly wear only those shoes that fit well and are non-slippery.
  • Home safety tends to be a major issue of concern when the elderly stays at home alone. That’s why it’s important to be aware of your surroundings beforehand and take needful steps to ensure their personal safety. If you’re leaving your older adult alone at home, make sure all the doors are locked well and the windows are fully secured.
  • Nowadays, online safety & privacy can be compromised due to even clumsier mistakes. Thus, instruct the elderly about online safety and privacy. Moreover, instruct them not to answer any suspicious call or allowing someone unknown inside the house especially when he/she is alone.
  • Another important step is to have an emergency plan in place with emergency contact information and an ‘emergency essentials’ kit with your medication and important things you would need in the case of an emergency. Ensure that smoke alarms are in working order and tested regularly, electrical sockets are not overloaded and that your appliances or electrical cords are not damaged.
  • Make sure the elderly takes the right medication at the right time.

What are my support options?

Do remember that help is available to you, so don’t fall back to ask. Most aged care providers in Sydney can provide assistance such as personal care, domestic help and transport assistance, and even daily calls with reminders to do the things you need to do such as booking and attending medical appointments or to remember to check that the doors & windows are properly locked.

Staying connected to the people around you is also important, not just for social reasons, it’s also a great way to share any concerns you may have such as if your door won’t lock or the fridge isn’t working.

Contact OSAN Ability Assist for the best aged care service near you

If you’d like to know more about staying safe at home or are thinking about aged care services, OSAN Ability Assist can help you understand the different types of care available for the older adults and help you get the best aged care service, every step of the way.

To find out more, talk to one of our friendly representatives on 1300 799 941 or visit

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