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Short & Medium Term Accommodation for the Disabled

Short Term Accommodation, including respite, is funding for support and accommodation for a short time away from your usual home. It covers the cost of your care in another place for up to 14 days at a time. You might have a short stay with other people, or by yourself. It’s often funded when your usual carers aren’t available, or for you to try new things

  • At OSAN Ability Assist, we are a fully accredited and approved NDIS service provider that offers short term accommodation & assistance.
  • Our operational principles aim to enhance the lifestyle of our accommodators by encouraging independence and creating the group and individual opportunities within the community to make new friends, connect with a range of daily activities and build and develop skills and interests.
  • With highly experienced, qualified staff, we have created a facility and environment that is extremely homely, comfortable, respectful, caring, safe and above all, enjoyable for our accommodators.

Our Support Services Include:

  • Longer-term respite in a special facility or group home
  • Regular, ongoing respite
  • Emergency respite
  • Respite for carers

What support you can expect?

Short-term accommodations include:
  • personal care
  • accommodation
  • food/meal plan

Funding for short term accommodation

NDIS fund up to 28 days of Short Term Accommodation per year. You can use your Short Term Accommodation funding flexibly. For example, you might want to use it in a block of up to 14 days at a time or for one weekend a month.
You can find the rates in the NDIS Price Guide .

Medium Term Accommodation

OSAN Ability Assist is a registered NDIS provider offering medium-term accommodation services in Sydney, NSW.
Our independent living services provide you with the opportunity to live the way you want. We offer people with a disability (NDIS participants) with tailored medium-term accommodation with as much support as they require.

Our Medium-Term Accommodation services will include the following:

  • Accommodation availability for 90 days
  • Can be acquired while waiting for SDA
  • Safe and comfortable homes
  • Community participation and access
  • Independent living skills
  • Daily personal supports
OSAN Ability Assist will work with you to offer a top-notch medium-term accommodation & develop a unique model of support tailored for you. You can choose when and how much support you need. Our accommodation staff members are onsite all day, 24/7. Get in touch To find out more about OSAN Ability Assist, do contact us today: Call us on 1300 799 941


If You Have Any Questions Regarding Our Services Or Your Specific Needs, Please Contact Us


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