Specialist Disability Housing
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to housing for people who require specialist housing solutions that cater to high support needs or extreme functional impairment. In this type of accommodation, clients with extreme and complex needs are provided with the supports they require. If you live with a high level of disability, it can be really difficult to find a mainstream home that adequately meets all of your support needs. Participants who are eligible for SDA funding are those with extreme functional impairment or those who have very high support needs.This lack of suitable housing can have a flow-on effect, impacting your ability to take care of yourself, move around your home and perform daily tasks. It can also make it difficult for you to get out in the community and take part in activities that you enjoy.
- SDA will provide a small proportion of funding to the eligible NDIS participants with high support needs.
- SDA funding under the NDIS will stimulate investment in the development of new high-quality dwellings for use by eligible NDIS participants.
- At OSAN Ability Assist, all our homes are staffed 24/7 and provide access to a range of specialist services such as health, clinical and positive behaviour support.

OSAN Ability Assist offers a range of Specialised Disability Housing properties across Sydney, New South Wales
regional and metropolitan areas.